
Why we must end war

1. War is immoral

However murder seems legalised when committed on a large scale, it is still immoral. Murder is committed on a large scale during times of war. For many centuries, war has been the cause of a dramatic rise in the number of annual deaths, shifting exponentially to civilians, instead of combatants. There are even more injury counts and violence is more cause of death than diseases. When reports on war are heard, every point justifying wars sounds absurd.
War is a broad concept. For instance, even in the absence of physical combat, a person may lose the quiet in their homes to the constant sound produced by the buzz of drones. Homes are also constantly destroyed by the use of missiles.

2. War causes animosity and danger

The idea of planning for war itself leads to war, and war endangers us. There are tendencies of wanting to use weapons once they are within our reach. Every step taken by others become suspicious. A nation’s accumulation of weapons also signals a threat to the other and the other start making plans for weapons.
In arming, several factors must also be put in place such as the crude testing of the weapons on human beings, accidents caused in the process of manufacturing, trade with friends who later become enemies, and so on.

3. War endangers the environment

One of the main reasons for war is the desire to be in control of resources that affect the environment, such as oil and gas. Oil may be used in machines, causing pollution and affecting our environment, although it can also be burned off or leaked. For some, the use of oil is associated with the glory of war and sex video. However, whether or not war is fought for the control of oil, wars consume a lot of oil, affecting the state of our economy.
Wars also have damaged a large expanse of our environment and rendered millions of people, homeless. Many of the harmful weapons left behind in times of war are causes of land mines.

4. War eats into our liberties

Often, the average person is told that the reason for war is to enhance freedom, but in truth, war takes our liberties. The victims of war are usually the poor and helpless, who become prey. The nations engaged in war sometimes threaten some of their citizens into supporting the war. As a result of the war, there are illegal surveillance, torture, drones, unlawful imprisonments, and so on.